The Full Moon in Scorpio, at 23.50 Irish time/18.50 EST today!

Aside from Mercury going stationary direct on Thursday, this is the last in a series of major planetary events in this extraordinary month! We’ve experienced two Eclipses, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, the exact Sun/Pluto square and Mercury Retrograde – not to mention massive Solar Flares…Don’t be surprised if you feel in need of some R & R by the end of this week!!

The waning square by Pluto, to today’s Full Moon, adds another layer of transformative intensity to the planetary energies. This is mostly an internal process of uncovering, acknowledging, and reclaiming, deeper layers of our emotions, including memories, losses, passions, and desires. However, the square to Pluto may feel too powerful to contain, so don’t be surprised, if you feel a strong urge to externalize your internal process with people and situations in your life. This may appear as a power dynamic, or expressions of anger, or desire…The key is to dig deep within, and uncover the underlying emotions, however uncomfortable they may be, including envy, jealousy, shame, fear… and transmute them into self-empowerment!

The release point of Tsquare with Pluto at the apex is in the early degrees of Leo, encouraging us to open our hearts and courageously face whatever emerges from the recesses of our unconscious, with love, rather than fear!

The Full Moon themes are likely to resonate more strongly with you if you have personal planets or angles between 2° and 6° Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius and/or Leo! MG

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Mercury Stationary Direct at 16° Aries


Navigating the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction at 21° Taurus 50, on April 20th/21st (4.07am Irish time)