Navigating the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction at 21° Taurus 50, on April 20th/21st (4.07am Irish time)

April has been a busy month for many, with lots going on in the planetary skies, including two Eclipses and the ongoing Mercury Rx. in Aries. It’s easy to imagine that the planets ‘cause’ personal or collective events. Yet, in reality they are merely energies, that operate according to their intrinsic nature, to help us expand, grow, and evolve, personally and collectively. Depending on our natal chart, age and personal and collective circumstances, some planetary energies can feel smoother, or bumpier than others.

The upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on Sat./Sun., is by nature an expansive, revolutionary energy, that invites innovative change in whatever area of our birth chart it lands in. Both planets relate to enlightenment, uncovering a sense of meaning, connecting with our philosophical beliefs and expanding our ability to learn. Jupiter is also about opportunities opening up for us, as well as, long distance travel.

Uranus in Taurus has been inviting us since 2018, to take stock of whatever we rely on to provide our sense of security, and to release anything that blocks and limits us expanding to our full potential. Jupiter joining Uranus, is likely to initially highlight where we feel limited and restricted, so that we can free ourselves. The bigger the restrictions, the more powerful the unblocking!

The conjunction signals the start of a new Jupiter/Uranus 14 year cycle, representing the seeding moment of changes that will develop in our lives over the next 14 years. In 7 years, the opposition will offer us the opportunity to assess and make adjustments, to whatever we are initiating right now.

The previous Jupiter/Uranus conjunction was in Pisces/Aries, from the summer of 2010, to early 2011. Although Jupiter and Uranus together always operate in a similar manner, the nature of what they are expanding and changing varies, depending on the sign of the initial conjunction. So, it may be more helpful to look back to the last time the conjunction was in Taurus, which was May 1941, to get a better understanding of the current conjunction. Although the present context is different, there is likely to be a resonance with global events occurring at that time, as planetary configurations function like evolutionary spirals. It may also be interesting to do some research on your family history in May 1941! (Do share any of this below, if you feel comfortable doing so!)

Emotionally, it’s likely to be challenging to separate the powerful conjunction energies, from the intensity of the Sun/Pluto square, followed by the Scorpio Full Moon; not to mention the sextile from the conjunction, to Mars in Pisces. Notice if you feel an inner conflict between the urge to create change, and the fear of letting go of any familiar, albeit limiting ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.

The passionate Full Moon in Scorpio a few days after the conjunction, invites us to dig deeper within the recess of our unconscious, to recover hidden passions and desires that may have got buried over time.

If you have planets or angles between 18° and 23° Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo & Capricorn, you are more likely to resonate with the conjunction energy. Planets or angles between 0° and 5° Scorpio, Taurus, & Aquarius, will reverberate with the emotional passion and intensity of the Sun/Pluto square and the Scorpio Full Moon.


Suggestions for Navigating all of the above:

·        Creating some space and consciously observing your internal landscape with curiosity, humor, and compassion – what surprises you? What is breaking free?

·        Allowing feelings to ebb and flow with no judgment, knowing that they will transmute on their own over time.

·        Grounding in your body & nature.

·        Using creative tools to express and contain powerful emotions, passions, and desires.

·        Resting as you need to. ‘Being’ rejuvenates us a lot more than ‘doing’!

Finally, the Sabian symbol for this conjunction is: White Dove Flying Over Troubled Waters. This is a great reminder that the possibility of peace in the world is always available to us - if we so choose!

Wishing you all lots of expansive possibilities and potential, as we surf the waves of this new 14 year cycle! - Margaret Gray

Many thanks to all of you who have dm’d me about individual and relationship astrology consultations. Feel free to book them directly on my website astrologypsychological.

#jupiteruranusconjunction #astrologypsychological #learningastrology #sunplutosquare #scorpiofullmoon #margaretgrayastrology




The Full Moon in Scorpio, at 23.50 Irish time/18.50 EST today!


Navigating the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, at 19° Aries 23 – exact at 1.19 EST/ 18.19 Irish & UK Time