Uranus in Taurus

Uranus moves into Taurus for the next 7 years!

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself/herself .
― Leo Tolstoy


What does this mean for everyone?

With Uranus changing sign into earthy Taurus after 7 years in fiery Aries, we are all letting go of the Aries ideals and embracing a new phase of Taurean hopes, visions and potentials which will bring change for all of us. When Uranus dipped into Taurus briefly From May 17th – Nov 6th 2018, we got a flavor of what is likely to undergo change in our lives over the next 7 years. Some key Taurean areas include: money, land, the concept of home, security, values including self-value, body image, status and relationships.

The Uranian energy urges us to break free of the mundane limitations that hinder us from living out our highest potential. The highest potential of Taurus includes: creativity and beauty, stable relationships, nurturing and caring for our physical selves and planet earth, creating a peaceful secure environment and ensuring everyone has the basics in life including food, shelter and safety…

When was Uranus last in Taurus?

Between 1934 and 1941! Financial issues were at the fore, as well as WW2 and changes in the role of women. Planetary cycles build upon each other, so it’s time to work through another layer of what remained unfinished from the previous cycle!

What does this mean if you have planets in Taurus or Scorpio?

If you have planets in either Taurus or Scorpio, change is at the forefront of your life over the next 7 years! The placement of the planets by house, as well as the house Uranus is transiting through, describe the area where the changes are likely to occur. Neither Taurus nor Scorpio are keen on change, but both have enormous inner strength and resilience.

The main challenge is likely to be to learn to ‘let go,’ remembering that transits only invite us to release whatever is holding us back from our personal development. The Taurean need for security can act as an obstacle to change, similarly to the Scorpio fear for its survival. Flexibility may need to be learned during this time. Watch out for some degree of anxiety and/or sleeplessness. Exercising outdoors can help, as well as engaging in a regular meditation/breathing practice. Swapping fear with excitement can help you enjoy the changes ahead!

What might it feel like?

By nature, Urananian energy is dynamic, sudden, conscious and progressive. It urges us forward through sudden unexpected moments of Airy enlightenment, similar to the fire shared with us by Prometheus in an effort to help us evolve as humans.

Yet Taurus is an earthy grounded energy that seeks to maintain the status quo at all costs, in a bid to retain stability and not plunge into the unconscious ‘out of control’ depths of its opposite sign Scorpio. Unlike Uranus in Aries where the energies were compatible, Uranus in Taurus is likely to generate some inner and outer conflicts between the regressive desire to maintain all as is and the progressive ‘nudge’ by Uranus to awaken and create radical, unexpected, innovative change.

Notice which houses Uranus in Taurus will be travelling through in your chart over the next 7 years, (as well as planets it’s aspecting), as these are the areas in life where you will encounter both instances of enlightenment and an inner conflict between homeostasis and change.  

What if you have natal Uranus in Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo or Taurus?

If you have Uranus in Scorpio, this new 7 year cycle will include your Uranus opposition where your natal idealism and need for the absolute truth will be woken by transiting Uranus.

If your natal Uranus is in Aquarius you will be preparing for your first Uranus square, which is a powerful awakener of your idealization of equality.

If your natal Aquarius is in Leo, you are preparing for your second Uranus square which is the start of the last phase of your Uranian journey around your chart and a chance to live out your idealization of individualism.

If your natal Uranus is in Taurus, you are preparing for your Uranus return, which completes this first journey of Uranus around your chart in your lifetime. It’s the perfect time to assess how much you have been able to live out your ideals and potentials.

Some things to consider with Uranus in Taurus:

  • What represents security to you? What would need to happen to internalize that sense of security within yourself?

  • How do you engage with money? Does it flow easily in and out? If not, why not?

  • What role does love play in your relationships? What does love mean to you?

Dorey Kronick

Combining graphic design, photography, and mixed media art, Dorey Kronick turns dreamy ideas into visual realities! Whether you’re a large organization, small company, or simply striking out on your own – Dorey provides professional, friendly, and collaborative creative services catered to your unique situation.


Pluto in Aquarius


Full Moon in Pisces + Venus square Pluto