Pluto in Aquarius

Some Key Facts:

·         Pluto was in Capricorn since 2008

·         Pluto will stay in Aquarius from today until Jan 2044, (aside from June 11th  2023 – Jan 21st 2024 & Sept. 2nd  2024 – Nov. 19th 2024, when it slides briefly back into Capricorn). From now until early June, we’ll get an initial taster of what this energy will feel like!

·         Pluto is a generational marker so a new generation is arriving!

·         Pluto was last in Aquarius between 1778 and 1798, so this is a first for all of us in our lifetime! You might enjoy checking out historical events during that time, as there are likely to be some similar core themes this time round!


Why does Pluto changing Signs impact us all?

Pluto is an intensely powerful and transformative planetary energy. Collectively, its function is to dredge up and clear out, anything that is outdated in the Sign it is travelling through. Personally, it clears anything that is not supportive of our individual growth, in the area of our life determined by the House it is travelling through in our birth chart.
For example:
Through the 4th House = home and roots
Through the 7th House = relationships
Through the 9th House = beliefs, studies and travel
Through the 10th House = vocation and career…

Core Themes for Pluto in Aquarius

·         Awakening Ideals

·         Rebellion and revolution

·         Prioritizing equality and justice

·         Finding our tribe, based on interests and ideals, rather than familial and emotional connections

·         Changing friendship groups

·         Advancing scientific discoveries

·         Ideas, versus emotions

·         New discoveries connected to the brain

·         Advances in Astrology

·         Innovations with technology in all areas, including the creative arts

·        Extending and expanding space travel


Potential challenges

·         Prioritizing mind over heart

·         The assumption that logic and science are ‘the truth’

·         Rebellion and upheaval, just for the sake of it

·         Compassion, versus ‘being right’

·         Science being revered over the Arts

·         Feeling detached and disconnected

·         Valuing intellectual knowledge, above emotional intelligence


Who is more likely to be impacted by Pluto in Aquarius?

If your Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant are in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio, you are more likely to feel the direct impact of the above themes and experience some powerful and empowering transformations during the next 20 years.

Navigating Pluto in Aquarius

It’s a great time to reassess what your ideals are and to launch innovative projects that you may have been putting off for a while. However, keeping in mind that we are made of flesh and blood, grounding regularly in our body, will help balance in our nervous system as we get used to Pluto in this somewhat erratic Airy Sign.
Friendship groups are likely to undergo some radical changes and the less we take this personally, the easier we can navigate through these times. Long distance relationships may become more common, as well as a wider acceptance and interest in non traditional relationships.
Birth charts with a lot of Earth and Water may struggle a little, with the focus on the mind, versus the body and emotions. Maintaining our own creative and spiritual routines can help, together with practicing compassion and kindness towards our self and others. - MG

For more information on how Pluto in Aquarius is likely to impact you individually and in your relationships, you can book a reading with me directly on this site, or email me at!


Navigating the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, at 19° Aries 23 – exact at 1.19 EST/ 18.19 Irish & UK Time


Uranus in Taurus