Birth Chart Readings

What is a Psychological Astrology Birth Chart Reading?

A reading is a dynamic, interactive, exploration and translation of the planetary energies in your birth chart. My focus is on helping you to re-member and re-connect with your core essence, purpose and meaning. 

Together we will explore your inner strengths, resources, talents, skills, vocation, relationship needs and patterns, creativity, gifts and inner conflicts, as well as your core soul themes and approach to life.

As well as an overview of your chart, the focus will be on the areas of life that you feel are particularly important to you right now. This may include your career and vocation, relationships, relocation and other life transitions. I will also explore the transits/planetary movements which are affecting you now and in the coming year. This can help you to navigate these energies as expansively as possible.

Psychological Astrology readings are illuminating at any time in life. They can be particularly helpful at times of major turning points including when you are:

  • Feeling stuck, or facing changes in your job/career

  • Experiencing changes in your relationships

  • Relocating to a new town/country

  • Embarking on your Saturn Return (age 29 & 60)

  • In the midst of midlife transits (early 30’s – mid 40’s)

  • Embracing your Chiron Return (50 – 51)


Once you book a reading, I will email you within a few days, with some optional times to meet online!


Schedule & Book a Reading

All readings are currently only available online, via Zoom


Individual Birth Chart Readings

1. Finding Your Inner Resources and Skills Birth Chart Reading - particularly during turbulent times!
Brief 30 min. focused Birth Chart Reading


2. Initial Comprehensive Individual 1 hour Birth Chart Reading


Children’s Birth Chart Readings (with parents, for minors)

Initial 1 hour Reading for Children’s Charts, including looking at the child’s relationship with their parents/carers using Synastry

Initial 1 hour Reading for Children’s Charts, without looking at the child's relationship with their parents/carers


Follow-up 45 minute Birth Chart Readings:

Looking at current Transits and Progressions within 6 months of your original Reading

Follow-up Reading within 12 months

Follow-up Reading beyond 12 months
(discount will be offered for regular repeating clients)


Relationship Readings

For Individuals

Individual 75 minute relationship reading including – looking at the relationship needs and current transits of you with another individual. We will look at what your key relationship needs are, as well as your current transits and the Synastry of the chart of a significant other/family member, (with their permission), with your chart:

You can also add an exploration of the Composite chart of the relationship in your individual reading above:

Relationship Readings with more than one person

All Inclusive Couple’s / Family 90min reading with all parties present. This includes all of the above with all members of the relationship present



Consultations & Support offered to: 

Therapists, Counsellors, Social Workers, Analysts, Healers & Teachers.

Astrological Counselling:

This is based on your current astrological transits. Fees depend on the amount of sessions booked. Click here for details.

Some Information about Consultations/Readings:

Consultations are usually either in-person when we are in the same location or online via Zoom or Skype. Due to the Coronavirus, all readings are currently online.

Advance payment is required at the time of booking for all readings. Due to the extensive time and work which goes into preparing a chart, no refund can be made within 24 hours of a chart reading. However, your appointment can be postponed to a later date with at least 24 hour notice.

What information is needed to prepare your birth chart?

Your Place, Date and exact Time of Birth. The more exact your time of birth is, the more accurate your birth chart reading is likely to be.

In the USA, birth times are usually recorded on your birth certificate. In Ireland, most hospitals keep records of times of birth and will send them to you if you contact them.

All sessions are digitally recorded and sent to you via email. However, despite my best endeavours, as with any electronic equipment, there can be no guarantees with the recording. You are very welcome to record the session. I do not usually keep copies of the recordings.

Under GDPR regulations all information you send me about you is held securely and password protected. As a professional astrologer I fully abide by the ISAR Code of Ethics which are available here: Code of Ethics (7/2003) – ISAR (


Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .


Contact information to book a Consultation:

+353 858144135 (Ireland)