The Mars/Uranus Conjunction on July 15th, at 26°Taurus 19.15.53 Irish time/10.53am EST
Although we are well used to this conjunction which takes place every two years, this one is different as it’s the last one in our lifetime in Earthy Taurus, so it’s likely to feel more intense!
Navigating the current Planetary and Earthly changes!
There is a lot going on right now for many of us personally, not to mention the impact of huge collective events, including storms, wars, financial and political challenges… At times I feel completely overwhelmed, and then my Virgo Ascendant kicks in to try and make some sense of the perceived chaos, so that meaning and trust, can replace powerlessness – at least some of the time! Maybe some of these thoughts can be of some help to you.
As above – so below – so let’s start with some key planetary movements!
The Full Moon in Capricorn! July 2024
After yesterday's expansive Moon in Sag. Solstice energy, we are even more likely to notice the very private and contained energy of this Full Moon in Earthy Capricorn!
The Mars/Neptune conjunction is exact at 28° Pisces 52, at 4.46am Irish time tomorrow/11.46pm EST today!
This once a year planetary aspect, invites us to expand our heart and experience unconditional love for ourselves and others.
Mercury Stationary Direct at 16° Aries
Is anyone else delighted that Mercury has finally gone stationary direct, having been retrograde in fiery Aries since March 14th?
The Full Moon in Scorpio, at 23.50 Irish time/18.50 EST today!
Aside from Mercury going stationary direct on Thursday, this is the last in a series of major planetary events in this extraordinary month! We’ve experienced two Eclipses, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, the exact Sun/Pluto square and Mercury Retrograde – not to mention massive Solar Flares…Don’t be surprised if you feel in need of some R & R by the end of this week!!
Navigating the Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction at 21° Taurus 50, on April 20th/21st (4.07am Irish time)
The upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on Sat./Sun., is by nature an expansive, revolutionary energy, that invites innovative change in whatever area of our birth chart it lands in. Both planets relate to enlightenment, uncovering a sense of meaning, connecting with our philosophical beliefs and expanding our ability to learn. Jupiter is also about opportunities opening up for us, as well as, long distance travel.
Navigating the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, at 19° Aries 23 – exact at 1.19 EST/ 18.19 Irish & UK Time
Are you feeling the buildup to the Solar Eclipse? Do you have personal planets or angles close to 19° Aries, Libra, Capricorn, or Cancer?
Pluto in Aquarius
Some Key Facts:
· Pluto was in Capricorn since 2008
· It will stay in Aquarius until Jan 2044, (aside from June 11th 2023 – Jan 21st 2024 & Sept. 2nd 2024 – Nov. 19th 2024, when it slides briefly back into Capricorn)
Full Moon in Pisces + Venus square Pluto
The Full Moon in Pisces + Venus square Pluto on Aug 26th 2018, with Margaret Gray.
Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo on Aug 11th 2018
Some Brief Notes on the Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo on Aug 11th, 2018 with Margaret Gray.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27th 2018
The Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27th 2018 with Margaret Gray.